Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Daylight saving hours

I'm a little tired and grumpy today.

My stupid phone alarm went off at 6.45 this morning. It was so dark, I was so tired. My radio alarm followed a few minutes later. (I need two, I'm that rubbish at getting up) I grit my teeth lean over put the bedside light on, lie listening to the radio. I'm a geek it's on radio 4. I'm willing myself to wake up.

Brain is starting to function. Why are they talking about farming? Fffff it's actually 5.45 I haven't reset any of my clocks.

I guess this wouldn't be so bad except it's Wednesday, the clocks went back on Sunday. In my defence I was at A's the last two nights. Not in my defence my phone alarm went off twice at stupid o'clock at his yesterday morning.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Radio 4? The Unbelievable Truth with David Mitchell on Thursdays at 6:30pm is quite good. I hear. Not that I listen to Radio 4. Ever.

Lol, the clocks went back... like, ages ago. :)

9:47 am  
Blogger BitUpOfTheMiddle said...

Ooo I've never listened to that show I normally just get the today programme in the morning. But normally day dream through it. Might check it out, ta.

11:58 am  

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