On Saturday another car drove into the side of my car. I was very upset mainly because I missed kickboxing, by the time we had swapped details etc... Also I had spent an obscene amount of money on my car the previous week servicing it and replacing suspension thingys and I knew how much of my life was going to disappear in calling insurance companies and taking the car to garage etc... So I moaned about it all Sunday and most of Monday was spent on the phone sorting things out. They said they would give me a courtsey car.
Errmm they've given me a brand new, silver Vauxhall Astra with a 1.6 engine. It's like driving a big sofa. It's soooo beautiful I'm not sure I will be able to give it back. My car's probably worth £1,500, this must be worth at least £12,000. What were they thinking! Also my car's not going into the garage till friday so I reckon I've got this one for at least a week! Yeah!
In other news I managed to make it to kickboxing yesterday and I hit one the girls so hard I made her cry. Now I don't want to mislead you into thinking I'm any good. I've been going for a year now and I'm still in the beginners class because I hardly ever go. She was fighting very well and I was getting a bit frustrated so decided to go at her like a windmill. Whacked her straight on the eye and bam she strated crying! She didn't stop till the end of the class either. It was all very embarrasing. Then she chatted to me for ages to try and enforce that there was no bad feeling. I think I need to work on my control.
Labels: My Life
You don't know your own strength!
huh hmmm yes...
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